Thursday, March 15, 2007

over the shoulder

Over the shoulder: that's how I took this shot. I was having a cuppa in Menotti, my fave café in S'pore. I took my camera from my bag and rested it on my manly broad shoulders and snapped. I love the lines and effect of the lights and mirror. Can you see my reflection?


wmw said...

Mmm...why did you put it on your shoulder???Should take another pic the usual way with you turned around to see the difference.

Dijah said...

this is a nice picture eventhough you took it over your shoulder!
I think I can see you!

edwin s said...

I just like to take shots away from my eyes sometimes.

Where am I Dijah? :)

Unknown said...

i saw the curves of the ceiling and i tot must be menotti in sg.

then read your comments, i am correct!

the cakes there are divine! and a few places that serves breakfast all day!

i see you ed!

Icarus said...

That's one of the most fun things to do with a camera - shoot when its nowhere near the eye, just doing its own thing, while you're not looking. And then when you check the results afterwards. Love it. And there you are, being just like you!