Friday, February 9, 2007

keeping cool

I took this sometime before Christmas '06 at Vivo City in Singapore. I've not done anything with it till now.

The weather has taken a big turn. The storms and flooding are over but the heatwave has begun. It's been predicted we'll be experiencing a drought. The weather is really screwed up. It's all four seasons in one day. Here it's either extremely hot or terribly wet. I woke up today and suffered heatstroke the moment I walked out the door. Very very hot. Should've taken full advantage and done laundry. But didn't cos my feet had melted. I've posted this picture to help me visualize a cooler place. Thank heavens for it. I didn't need to melt all over the floor. Just had it mopped.

1 comment:

wmw said...

Nice cool pic. The heat is getting to me too...funny how it is year after year the heatwave hits us whenever it's CNY time!