Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Everything has it's own life cycle. That's something we all know. But with a macro lens attached to your trusty camera, even death presents a side of life that continues to fascinate. Like this crispy brown leaf I found in my garden. Like any other dead leaf, I could've easily crushed it with my slippered foot. But I didn't. My dogs may have but I didn't. Just take a look at the perforations. A fresh living leaf will never show you this other side of beauty. I could stare at this for minutes, I could.

This is the reason why I admire photographers. The eye to see something else, things the rat race runners are oblivious to. Being an actor, I often have to embrace shadows and emotions most people would rather sweep under the rug. All my sights are internal. With a camera, my external sight is educated to broaden to catch the banal and turn it into something else.

On a muggy day, I'd most likely crush this dead leaf and walk away without ever seeing the beauty of nature in all it's glory. Not anymore if I can help it.

1 comment:

Rarebeet said...

This is gorgeous Edwin!