Friday, February 23, 2007

let's face the music and dance

Reflections lead to acknowledgment. Stop asking stupid, trivial questions because you know the answers. And don't, not even for one second, think your friends judge or misunderstand you. If you think we do, then why do you constantly expect us to listen to you whine? We listen yes. But stop living in your head. It's time to take off the blinkers and listen to yourself. Can you actually hear what your saying? Come on. We all have the same crap to deal with. Let's just be true to ourselves. Life IS a bed of roses. Gorgeous but thorny. A prick is a prick. You know?


Dijah said...

this is soo nice!
did you use photoshop?
just asking

edwin s said...

Nope. This is the actual shot. I only adjusted the contrast levels. Thanks Dijah.