Tuesday, February 20, 2007

whizzing by

My back's feeling better. Listening to Medeski, Martin & Wood. Funky 70s inspired instrumental with a couple of vinyl scratches thrown in for good measure. Really funky. Would get up and shake my tail feather if I could.

It's Chinese New Year and because of my back, I've been at home resting. No visiting friends and relatives. A blessing in disguise I feel. No need to be nice with that aunt you haven't seen since last Chinese New Year. Which brings be back to here and now. Time is really flying this year. I asked a couple of friends how they felt about the days passing so quickly. The general consensus is that it gets faster the older you become. HOLD ON! Wait a minute! I still have a couple of things to do when I'm 60. Will I have enough time?

Of course I will. There's always enough time. Unless you miss the deadline. I did but things still worked out in my favour. So, Time, please feel free to whizz by. My watches are in the drawer. I pay them no heed. No disrespect.


Shannon said...

a) I love Medeski, Martin, and Wood

b) I am glad your back is feeling better.


c) Love this shot and the one below!

edwin s said...

Aren't they good? I only have 2 albums (Uninvisible and Note Bleu: The Best Of) cos not many people in KL have heard of them and I bought them under the Special Imports section. Well worth it I say.

Glad you liked the shots.

wmw said...

Yeah, time moves faster when we get older. Hence, "Carpe Diem"! I like the quote that I use on my blog : The idea is to die young as late as possible ~ Ashley Montagu

Pod said...
